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Dental braces (fixed appliances)


Orthodontic retainers are custom-made devices, usually made of wires or clear plastic, that hold teeth in position after surgery or any method of realigning teeth.

Dental crowding or malocclusion is a hereditary condition that occurs when there is an insufficient amount of space for all the teeth to properly fit within your mouth. Your teeth may become displaced if they are too large to fit in the available space.

Spacing Correction
Localized spacing is usually due to several local factors, such as missing, supernumerary or small teeth, over-retained primary teeth, sucking habits, periodontal disease and hypertrophic upper lip frenum.Orthodontics plays an important role in the management of tooth spacing.

Jaw Re-positioning

also called splints, these devices are worn on either the top or lower jaw, and help train the jaw to close in a more favorable position. They may be used for temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ)